[Javascript] multiple onSubmit events not working

Nick Fitzsimons nick at nickfitz.co.uk
Thu Sep 1 06:26:00 CDT 2005

> I'm attempting to clear three functions with a single onSubmit form event.
> <form name="form" action="dothis.php" method="post" onSubmit="return
> check_upload_required(); openpopup(); submitonce(this);">
> The check_upload_required function works as expected but the script never
> executes the openpopup() or submitonce(this) functions. If I remove the
> check_upload_required() from the onSubmit event the other functions work
> as expected. Can anyone shed some light on why this is happening. I really
> need for all three functions to work together.

When you use "return check_upload_required;" it does exactly that -
returns with the value that came back from the function, and therefore
stops processing any code after that point.

Try defining a single function:

function submitHandler(theForm) {
   var result = check_upload_required;
   if (result) {
   return result;

and change the handler to

onsubmit="return submitHandler(this);"


Nick Fitzsimons

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