[Javascript] Firefox and Konqueror: "this.nameOfMethod is not a function" error

Loïc Prieto loic_sephiroth at yahoo.es
Sun Feb 19 17:46:20 CST 2006

Hi there, this is my first time writing to a mail list, so please 
forgive me all the many netiquette breaks i may cause, and do not doubt 
in correcting me in all there is to correct. Heck, i do not even know 
how i will get responses and where to look for them.

So...Im' writing a gui library in javascript (i know, there are many top 
quality gui builder libraries out there, but i'm doing it for the sake 
of it), and after i get some base classes writed and ready to use, i get 
some wierd error. "TypeError: Value undefined (result of expression 
this.setInternalMouseListener) is not an object. Cannot be called"

The code where this happens is:
CComponent.prototype.setInternalMouseListener = function(pMouseListener)
    this.internalMouseListener = pMouseListener;


    if(this.getDomNode() != null)

I have no clue, as to what the error actually means. I tried in Firefox, and what i get is: "this.setInternalMouseListener is not a 
So, it seems that the method 
CComponent.setInternalMouseListener(pMouseListener) is not recognized as 
a function...what could possibly go wrong here to cause this to happen?

Well...thank you in advance for your help.

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