[Javascript] Forward image via http with ajax

Paul Novitski paul at juniperwebcraft.com
Thu Feb 1 20:59:44 CST 2007

At 2/1/2007 06:01 PM, Terry Riegel wrote:
>Ahhh discovering the possible is much easier than the impossible :)

Yes, it's impossible to prove something's impossible...  Although 
then it must follow that it's impossible to prove that it's 
impossible to prove that something's impossible, eh what?

>This is not what is happening though. The image is something like...
>So it is being loaded off of the local network (not the internet)
>>On the other hand, if the image constitutes the value of a DOM
>>element, perhaps all you need to do is htmlencode the binary string
>>and feed it to an HttpXMLRequest routine.
>And it is successfully loading into the web browser (i.e. I see it).
>I don't know if that means it is a DOM element. If it is how do I
>encode it and send it? Even rough untested code would be helpful.

Hmm.  Using PHP I can feed a binary string to a browser to make an 
image appear in the client but I don't know how to do the opposite, 
read the binary string value of an image already displayed.  The bit 
of research I just did (Google, Firefox web developer toolbar, Gecko 
DOM Reference) was fruitless.  I wonder if you need a COM/Active-X 
module client-side to do this?

Again, what's the mechanism that's feeding the image to the 
browser?  Are you setting the browser's address bar to the intranet 
address of the camera?  Can you intervene before the information 
reaches the browser?


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