[Javascript] Auto-submit form every X minutes

Paul Novitski paul at juniperwebcraft.com
Tue Jan 30 11:32:48 CST 2007

At 1/30/2007 09:01 AM, Alan Easton wrote:
>I am wanting to auto-submit a form every x mins. I have the following code.
><script type="text/javascript">
>function reFresh() {
>  document.form.submit();
>However, this is an ASP page, and I have 4 submit buttons, each 
>performing different actions on the page. The page gets submitted to 
>itself, and I grab the name of each button and perform something different.
>I would like to simply add a auto-save, so is there anyway I can use 
>JS to auto submit one of those buttons that I already have, like 
>instead of it being clicked, it is captures in an onsubmit event or something.

I suppose you could invoke the click() method on the button of your choice.

Also don't forget you can create and modify hidden input elements on 
the fly to feed whatever values you need to the server on submit.



Juniper Webcraft Ltd.

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