[Javascript] event delegation order

Anthony Ettinger anthony at chovy.com
Wed May 2 14:57:26 CDT 2007

I'm reading through PPK's article at:


Near the bottom, there is an explanation of currentTarget with 2 event
handlers registered...I'm confused here how and why clicking on
element2 would trigger the event handler twice.

Here is an excerpt:

| document                         |
|   ---------------  ------------  |
|   | element1    |  | element2 |  |
|   ---------------  ------------  |
|                                  |

element1.onclick = doSomething;
element2.onclick = doSomething;
document.onclick = defaultFunction;


But suppose we register these event handlers:

element1.onclick = doSomething;
element2.onclick = doSomething;

If the user clicks on element2 doSomething() is executed twice.


WHY is doSomething() called twice from element2 if element1 is a
sibling (not an ancestor/child)?

Anthony Ettinger
Ph: 408-656-2473

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