[Javascript] Replace Characters

Tim Lewis twlewis at softhome.net
Wed May 16 10:14:47 CDT 2007

I have a file with carriage returns(ASCII 13) only, and I need to replace
these with carriage return and line feed(ASCII 13 and 10).

My code was not work, so I created a simple test using the
String.fromCharCode and replace.  It is not working either.  I have
included the simple code below.  The idea in the code is to replace the d
in dog with an l.  It appears that the replace function does not recognize
an ASCII value.  Is there a way to make the replace function use an ASCII


<script type="text/javascript">

function Main()
msg=confirm("Main routine!"); if (msg==false) {return;};
var sLineIn="dog";
var sLineOut="";

var chr100=String.fromCharCode(100); //character d
var chr108=String.fromCharCode(108); //character l

var msg=confirm("sLineIn is:" + sLineIn); if (msg==false) {return;};
sLineOut = sLineIn.replace(/chr100/g,chr108);
var msg=confirm("sLineOut is:" + sLineOut); if (msg==false) {return;};

<input type="button" value="Click me!" onclick="Main()">

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