[Javascript] readonly in IE7

John Pillion john at conv-dg.com
Sat Sep 1 15:41:09 CDT 2007

k, I have another question.  I'm trying to mark a text box as readonly 
(from a 'yes/no' radio pair, where disabledValue is the value from the 
radio button - this part works fine). Below is the portion of code, 
which will not work in IE7 (possibly all versions of IE?).

    var txtBox = document.forms["bldForm"].elements["bldName"];

    if (disabledValue.toLowerCase() == "y"){

I saw elsewhere that the following sometimes is more reliable for IE to 
do the following:

    txtBox.readonly = 'readonly';

this does not work either though, nor does

    txtBox.readonly = 'readonly';

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