[Javascript] Fade transition onmouseover/out based on CSS :hover?

Mike Dougherty mdougherty at pbp.com
Wed Sep 26 10:59:08 CDT 2007

fyi - that's http://www.htmldog.com/articles/suckerfish/dropdowns/

On 9/26/07, Mike Dougherty <mdougherty at pbp.com> wrote:
> On 9/26/07, Nick Baker <CF at isbc.com> wrote:
> > A. "mousing up/down the nav list causes each flyout to open and close"
> > B. "should they fade in and out"
> > C. "to prevent accidentally closing the whole flyout"
> A.  CSS menu implies this by default.  see:
> http://www.htmldog.com/articles/suckerfish/dropdowns/
> B/C.  notice in the link above how the fix for IE uses javascript - if
> the mouseout behavior creates a timeout to remove the class, then
> submenu will remain until the timeout fires.  You might have to be
> more clever to detect if the mouse were leaving the menu container if
> you want that timeout to be conditional (it might look terrible to
> have a long timeout and a quick roll over all the menu options because
> the subs might overlap in an ugly way)
> I don't have an example.  To date, we've just lived with the
> misfeature that causes the submenu to disappear if you're 1 pixel off
> of it.

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