[Javascript] Fade transition onmouseover/out based on CSS :hover?

tedd tedd at sperling.com
Wed Sep 26 15:44:21 CDT 2007

At 12:27 PM +0100 9/26/07, Barney Carroll wrote:
>Hello list,
>I've read my way through the most promising articles returned by google,
>but everything I find is way too elaborate and bloated (and every other
>javascript dilema floated on the internet seems to be asked and answered
>in terms of jQuery terminology).
>I have numerous objects with completely satisfactory CSS hover rules,
>but I would like a gradual transition (for the state to fade in/out over
>300 millisecs or something) onmouseover and -out. I'm not looking for
>something to parse my CSS and translate the results, but the fact that
>the state change can be effected by CSS indicates how simple the actual
>transition is - no content difference, basically.
>How can I achieve this effect?

About have way down this page,


Perhaps that will help.


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