[Javascript] Probe...

Scott Glasgow paladin at fuse.net
Wed Jan 7 13:12:41 CST 2009

Thanks to everyone for replying. So, the list is not dead, just "dead." I 
was just surprised because up until the 29th there seemed to be fairly 
regular traffic. Not blistering, but stuff coming in at least every day or 
two. I was thinking that perhaps what had happened to the wdvltalk list 
might have happened here.

My ISP uses a server-side SPAM filter, blacklist-based, and for some reason 
the list got themselves... er, listed. Tech support surmise was possibly an 
open SMTP relay somewhere, which the SPAM filter considers doubleplus 

I went back and forth with the ISP tech support and the list admin for a 
while, then finally gave up. Glad to hear that at least in this case I don't 
have to worry about that particular issue.


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