[Javascript] That pesky closure thing :(

Terry Riegel riegel at clearimageonline.com
Mon Sep 28 13:23:51 CDT 2009

Hello Everyone,

I have a new project I am working on and I think the word closure will
come up in the solution. Something I have not been able to get my head

I have this function

  function ajaxForms(c) {
  var forms= document.getElementsByTagName('form');
  for (i=0; i<forms.length; i++)
   if (forms[i].className.indexOf(c) != -1)
    forms[i].onsubmit=function ()
     new Ajax.Request(
        method: this.method,
        parameters: 'ajaxrequest=TRUE&'+riegelSerialize(this),
        encoding: 'UTF-8',
        onLoading: function (){if(typeof processing == "function")
{processing(this)}   }
     return false;

I want to take that onLoading line and have it run a function called
processing. The problem I am having is I want to pass "this" to the
processing function. I want this to be the form object forms[i].

Any ideas on how I can accomplish this.


Terry Riegel

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