[Theforum] ballot not complete

A. Erickson amanda at gawow.com
Sun Dec 30 13:32:02 CST 2001

> That's essentially the same as option B, but with less consistency.
> I think you're more consistent with:
> > I was one of the Admins who argued strenuously against opening the 
> > Admin archive, believing that there is a reason for private, but 
> > archived conversation among the decision makers of an organization.
> but as the evolt policy is for openness, it's not valid to 
> have openness in some public spaces, but not others.

Martin, I think you've been heard. I think everyone understands your
point of view. We need to find a middle ground on this issue. It can
always be raised again down the road as necessary.

By the way, are we doing a majority vote? 

- amanda

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