[Theforum] Re: voting

David McCreath mccreath at ak.net
Tue Jan 29 18:23:50 CST 2002

Warden, Matt wrote:

> isaac wrote:
>>we want everyone to get a chance to vote. what's the point in allowing
>>that if you run polls over a weekend and disadvantage those who do want
>>to participate, but aren't glued to their computer 24/7... ?
> isaac, i'm going to be on vacation between march 30 - april 8. please hold
> all votes and discussion until i get back because i really want to
> participate.

Matt --

You're right that we don't want the voting process to impede progress
unnecessarily, but setting a reasonable time period to vote and making
sure that everyone knows the vote is happening doesn't seem too out of
line. It also allows us to wind the vote up after a set amount of time,
otherwise we could end up with votes drifting off into the ether (as has

Can you suggest another way to handle votes so that everyone gets a
reasonable chance to vote? I'm asking seriously.


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