[Theforum] [---Dev] RE: [---tent] Article cleanup issue

.jeff jeff at members.evolt.org
Tue Jul 23 17:16:22 CDT 2002


> From: Martin Burns
> On Tue, 23 Jul 2002, .jeff wrote:
> > i'd like to restate that returning the 800 records to
> > coldfusion is *not*, the issue here.  this is clearly
> > illustrated by the comment search being able to return
> > over 2800 records in under 6000ms.  so, it's clearly
> > not an issue with how many records.  it's more likely
> > an issue with things like indexes, or the actual size
> > of the data that's being returned in the resultset.
> Jeff
> What data *is* being returned for each record?

the generated sql based on my last visit, in all its glory:

SELECT content.contentid
     , content.keyphrase
     , content.contentname
     , content.synopsis
     , content.datemod
     , content.replies
     , content.rating
     , content.ratings
     , users.userid
     , users.who
     , categorys.category
     , categorys.categoryid
     , (SELECT Count(*)
          FROM replies
         WHERE contentid = content.contentid
           AND datemod > '22-Jul-02'
       ) AS newcomments
   FROM content
      , users
      , categorys
  WHERE content.signoff = 1
    AND content.categoryid <> 23
    AND content.categoryid <> 26
    AND content.categoryid <> 9741
    AND content.userid = users.userid
    AND content.categoryid = categorys.categoryid
  ORDER BY content.datemod DESC
      , content.contentid DESC

> And other than building the 1st page worth of
> title/synopsis etc, what is it being returned for?

so cfserver can cache it so subsequent hits in the timespan allotted for the cached query don't have to hit the database again.


jeff at members.evolt.org

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