[theforum] Lists Hosting

Dean Mah dmah at shaw.ca
Fri May 21 07:45:21 CDT 2004

On Fri, May 21, 2004 at 11:44:26AM +0530, Madhu Menon wrote:

> >I think it's time to address the hosting of the lists.  The lists are
> >currently being hosted on a server that was never intended for that
> >use and shares space with a number of other unrelated services.
> Is this affecting performance or functioning of the lists?

It is affecting performance because the lists drive that box pretty
hard at times.

It is affecting function because we cannot reasonably upgrade services
without impacting the rest of the server since it is not dedicated to
evolt.org's purpose.

> When you say "unrelated services", are you referring to the browser
> archive?
> If we move from this box, where will we keep the browser archive?

b.e.o will reside on the new machine and the current raq will become a
mirror as it was originally intended.  The unrelated services are
things like personal services that the raq was originally intended to
host by the owners of the raq.

The other reason to move is because it isn't evolt.org's server.  It
is donated just like Dan's hosting and then Ron's hosting after that
which could disappear at any time.


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