[theforum] the new CSS... now, please?

ekm at seastorm.com ekm at seastorm.com
Sat Nov 22 23:07:18 CST 2008

We were talking about applying new typography styles to evolt.org.

Martin sent instructions to this list a couple weeks ago... I don't know
who was supposed to take care of this; I can't because I don't have ftp
access, and I don't see any way to edit CSS from the CMS.

I'm installing the "about us" page I had running on t.e.o.  It has some
h4s. At this point, we have NO STYLE on H4s.  Not to mention other
type/tags are unattractively rendered Can we please fix this now?

- someone with ftp access needs to fix the styles
- someone needs to give me ftp access so I can do it myself.



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