[thelist] Re: Netscape 6?

Aylard JA (James) jaylard at equilon.com
Thu Jul 13 19:04:31 CDT 2000

Peter-Paul Koch wrote:
> Yesterday I found out that it supports position: fixed so you can put
> something in a position regardless of scroll.

	And so it does! Just tested this in M16, and it works. This actually
will present some very creative opportunities, e.g., fixed nav controls
(which now require scripting), and page designs with fixed mastheads or
banners at the top and/or bottom of the page (which now rely on frames). I
can imagine some incredibly bad designs, too, as a result of this, but at
this moment of discovery, I'll stick to the positive. :) Of course, if only
IE supported fixed positioning for elements other than background images...

James Aylard
jaylard at equilon.com

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