[thelist] Re: is web design dead?

John Snippe design at cybernautica.com
Wed Jul 26 10:53:01 CDT 2000

On 7/25/00,  regarding " Re: [thelist] Re: is web design dead? ",  Donna
Jones offered the following:

>Hi Kevin and all:  I did a bit of useability teting, casually w/
>friends, but I've learned to set over to the side and just let them "go
>at it".  It was astounding .... one I'm sure (and I think the other
>too), didn't realize that links were underlined and didn't understand
>the concept that there could be more than one page to a site!  She
>suggested I put a "click here" there, which I don't think I will.

Hmmm.  Would it have been appropriate for Tolstoy to have had 'War and
Peace' proof-read by someone who was at a 'Dr.Seuss' reading level?  (Is
Dr. Seuss published in Russian?)

Seems to me that useability testing assumes, at a minimun, that there is
some basic ability to use.

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