[thelist] Server software for the Mac

James Spahr james at designframe.com
Wed Aug 23 07:54:27 CDT 2000

on 8/23/00 8:18 AM, Tony Grimes at algrimes at acs.ucalgary.ca wrote:

> The more I use Appleshare IP, the more I realize that it sucks as
> web server software. Can anyone recommend a good alternative for the Mac
> (B&W G3/OS8.5)? 
> I'm specifically looking for scriptability (MacPerl is fine) and
> complete web-logging capabilities. I'm not looking for a powerhouse since
> it will only be hosting the front door of a site. A good price range would
> be under $250-$1000(US); maybe more if it absolutely kicks ass. TIA

WebTEN (http://www.tenon.com/)
I've been pleased with this package. I only have one Mac box left, but when
I had more they all ran this. Its fast, sometimes a bear to install, but its
a BSD virtual machine, so perl is BSD perl - which is nice, and it is a port
of Apache. (text config files and all)

WebSTAR (http://www.starnine.com)
The defacto Mac webserver. Not as fast as WebTEN - but they have market
share. AS install and setup is a breeze.


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