[thelist] Select *

rudy Rudy_Limeback at maritimelife.ca
Thu Oct 12 12:17:27 CDT 2000

hi ashish

> http://www.adopenstatic.com/faq/selectstarisbad.asp

thanks for the bookmark, i had seen that site before, but had lost it

the first reason cited on that site is application performance, which 
should be reason enough all by itself never to allow select * in a "live" 
(production status) application

there are several reasons in favour of using select * during development, 
but none of these reasons survive the quality control process during 
promotion of the application into production 

> I need to enforce this and have to do some hard convincing,

ouch, sounds like either a turf war or insufficiently motivated developers

been there, got the scars

in a turf war, whoever's ass is on the line for application performance 
(sorry for the colourful language) is the person you have to convince -- 
but you won't have to convince very hard, right? 

if the person responsible for application performance is looking for *you* 
to ensure the standard is met, then perhaps you have a case of 
insufficiently motivated developers

this is a really simple problem -- you just refuse to promote the 
application to production status until they fix it

is this advice relevant to your situation?


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