[thelist] blending 2 photographs together so you can not see the edges

Liz Lawson lizlawson at charitycards.co.uk
Tue Nov 7 04:15:32 CST 2000

1) quick, dirty 'n' nasty

i) is your row on a tranparent layer ? check "preserve transparency". If
it's on a flat background, select the row only, cut it out and paste it on a
new layer, check "preserve transparency".

ii) make a selection around a joining line and feather it (ctrl+D), then use
the guassian blur filter to blur the join

2) a much better way, but you'll lose some of the width of each image

i) cut up your row so that each image is on a separate layer

ii) rearrange the row with an overlap between each image

iii) add a layer mask to each layer except the lowest one by click on the
shaded circle button at the bottom  of the layers palette

iv) for each layer, make sure the layer mask rather than the layer itself is
active by clicking on the mask in the layer list (the right hand rectangle).
You can tell because where there is usually an eye to the right of thelayer
in the layer list, there will be the shaded circle icon. Now, painting black
on the mask wil make the layer transprent and reveal the one below. (white
will paint the upper layer back again). Use the airbrush the merge the two
images with complete control.

(You can get rid os the mask by drgging it to the wastebasket at the bottom
of the layers palette, or switch it off temporarily by shift-clicking it.)



>Can anyone point me in the right direction please.
>Using Photoshop, if you have a series of images in a row all joined
>together, how do you get rid of the joining line, especially if the images
>are quite different colours.

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