[thelist] Tip o'the day

Anthony Baratta Anthony at Baratta.com
Fri Jan 5 14:45:11 CST 2001

<TIP AUTHOR="Anthony Baratta" SUBJECT="Coding">

Ever wonder what do to with code snippets that you have laying around a 
script that have been displaced (but not deleted yet) or are waiting for 
placement? As long as the snippets "compile", instead of commenting them 
out - wrap them in a subroutine. This way you can cut and paste them faster 
with out having to remove comment tags.

e.g. Here's a code snippet from ASP I use a lot and leave in the template 
form for use later.

The commend storage way:

''        strQuery = "SELECT  FROM  WHERE  = ''"
''        objDB_RecordSet.Open strQuery
''        if not (objDB_RecordSet.BOF AND objDB_RecordSet.EOF) then
''            objDB_RecordSet.MoveFirst
''            while not (objDB_RecordSet.EOF)
''                dict(Trim(objDB_RecordSet(""))) = Trim(objDB_RecordSet(""))
''                objDB_RecordSet.MoveNext
''            wend
''       end if
''        objDB_RecordSet.Clos

The sub routine way:

     sub HoldingBin()

         strQuery = "SELECT  FROM  WHERE  = ''"
         objDB_RecordSet.Open strQuery
         if not (objDB_RecordSet.BOF AND objDB_RecordSet.EOF) then
             while not (objDB_RecordSet.EOF)
                 dict(Trim(objDB_RecordSet(""))) = Trim(objDB_RecordSet(""))
         end if

     end sub '' HoldingBin()

Anthony Baratta
Keyboard Jockeys

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