[thelist] Perl mailto and redirect

Anthony Baratta Anthony at Baratta.com
Mon Jan 15 12:42:31 CST 2001

Here is a cheap and dirty form mailer in perl. You'll need cgi-lib.pl which 
you can get here (put it in the same directory as the script):


If should be relatively self explanatory. Since the script "sorts" the form 
inputs, you can pre-ordain the order by naming your form elements with a 
"#_", e.g. 1_Name, 2_Address, 3_City, 4_State, etc.


## contact.cgi

## Extra INC Paths
#BEGIN {unshift @INC, './cgi-bin' };

## Required Libraries
require "cgi-lib.pl";

## User Setup Parameters
     $varSendMail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -n";
     $SendAs = "Mail\@Mail.com";
     $EmailResultsTo = "Mail\@Mail.com";
     $BCCEmailResultsTo = "Mail\@Mail.com";
     $EmailSubject = "Email Subject Here";
     $RedirectTo = "http://www.foo.com"

## Parsing Data
   $varRetForm = &ReadParse(\%input);

## Begin Program
     if ($varRetForm) {&MailReceipt;}

     print "Location: $RedirectTo\n\n";


## MailReceipt
sub MailReceipt {

     ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
     $year = $year + 1900;
     if ($mon < 10) {$mon = "0" . $mon;}
     if ($mday < 10) {$mday = "0" . $mday;}
     if ($hour < 10) {$hour = "0" . $hour;}
     if ($min < 10) {$min = "0" . $min;}
     if ($sec < 10) {$sec = "0" . $sec;}

     $varEmailBody  = "Request Date: $mon\-$mday\-$year $hour\:$min:$sec\n\n";
     foreach $var(sort keys %input) {
             $varEmailBody .= "$var:  $input{$var}\n";
     } # end
     $varEmailBody .= "\n\n-------End of Email--------\n\n";

     open (MAIL, "| $varSendMail") || print "cannot open mail program";
             print MAIL "To: $EmailResultsTo \n";
             print MAIL "From: $SendAs \n";
	if ($BCCEmailResultsTo ne "") {
             print MAIL "bcc: $BCCEmailResultsTo \n";
             print MAIL "Subject: \n\n";
             print MAIL "$varEmailBody\n";
             print MAIL "\n\n";
     close(MAIL) || print "mail pipe exited $?";

} # end sub MailReceipt

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