[thelist] JS, counting selected checkboxes

aardvark roselli at earthlink.net
Sun Jan 21 10:58:31 CST 2001

i'm trying to find some JS that, on form submit or on selection of 
the 10th item, will notify the user that he/she has gone beyond the 

i have a screen with a boatload of checkboxes, depending on some 
user prefs, but the user can only select nine items... right now the 
server-side script handles it, but i've found that the users get mired 
down when the page redraws (even with all the checkboxes 
selected and a warning about the nine items), so for those who can 
support it, i'd like a little JS alert to warn them that they are going 
over the nine item limit...

make sense?

tried a few sites, can't find anything... i generally suck with this 
kind of stuff anyway...

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