[thelist] synchronizing remote/local

Morbus Iff morbus at disobey.com
Tue Jan 23 10:02:31 CST 2001

><tip type="large sites and content management">
>Once you get above about a thousand pages, you'll be hitting
>Content Management walls - things will begin to unravel for
>You *will* need a CM system - better to start work on it now than
>wait for an emergency (like Compaq who accidentally advertised
>monitors for $1 rather than $1000 last year).

Man, I disagree with this - it's not true 100% of the time, but admitting
fickleness, neither is anything else. Disobey is approaching (if not over)
the 1000 page limit, and because each section is different in design and
purpose, it's not an issue at all.

If I'm working on one portion of the Disobey site, it's ... blech! "object
oriented" enough to ignore the rest of the site - likewise with all the
other portions or sections. Collectively, it's a huge flippin' site, but
individually, they're pieces of a whole.

Morbus Iff
                 We have QuadrapalegicMorbus - able to lay still on tall
   o-/----'   servers for days at a time, slower than Christopher Reeve at
                a full roll, smells stronger than 128 poobits. Defender
                     of Bedsores, Boredom and Bedpans of Shat...
                   Devil Shat: <http://www.disobey.com/devilshat/>

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