[thelist] How do you store your snippets?

CDitty mail at redhotsweeps.com
Sun Feb 11 10:24:42 CST 2001

Hope all is well for everyone on this bright and ~cold~ Sunday morning.   I 
am starting to amass a good number of html/programming snippets from this 
list and others(thanks btw).  How does everyone store your 
snippets?  Enquiring minds want to know.


<tip = "PHP" Type="Timing page">
If you want to know how long it takes to process your page on the server
then use this.
$startTime = date("U"); // Place at top of page

$endTime = date("U"); // Place at bottom of page
echo "<br>Total Lapsed Time: " . (( $endTime - $startTime ) / 60 ) . 

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