[thelist] Binary

Andre Torrez andre at torrez.org
Thu Mar 29 18:20:36 CST 2001

>I'm still waiting for this thread to be relevant to web development.
>Please, folks, keep it on topic.

I'll give it my best shot...

take this string:
(all on one line!)

paste it into this form..

and submit it.

Here's the perl source so you can learn about packing and unpacking (note, 
I'm not really a Perl programmer, just another hacker):

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI;
$cgi = new CGI;
print "Content-type:text/html", "\n\n";

$to_decode = $cgi->param('decode');

@bits = split('\.', $to_decode);

print "<PRE>";
foreach $bit (@bits)
         #pack these 'bits' into a binary string
         $binary = pack("B8", "000$bit");

         #convert this binary number to a decimal
         $decimal = join('', unpack('C*', $binary));

         #convert it to an ascii character
         $character = chr(65+$decimal);

         #print something tidy
         printf "%8s -> %2s ->  %1s\n", $bit, $decimal, $character;
print "</PRE>";

Anyway, I used to be on this list, and monkeyjunkies a long time ago. It's 
nice to be back. I hope I can help out, and I hope people can help me.

-Andre Torrez

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