[thelist] [fwd] How do I get a search engine to add me to the search?

deke web at master.gen.in.us
Sun Apr 15 20:27:38 CDT 2001

On 15 Apr 2001, at 11:20, zac posted a message which said:

> > The obvious choice is to submit your site
> > to the search engine used by the most people out there.. Unfortunately
> > people's habits are unpredictable and so we have to go with the
> > [second]-best option... DMOZ,
> YMMV warnings but in my experience the vast majority of the search engine
> referrals I get on my sites are from Yahoo.

Obvious, it depends on how each of the search engines rank you
for the various keywords people are thinking of when they try to find

A number of important search engines use DMOZ. AOLsearch,
for instance, tells you to submit directly to DMOZ. Other search
engines use DMOZ to help determine rankings.

Last year, DMOZ changed their structure. They decided that dating
sites that were only for gays and lesbians were not specialty sites
any more. Fine. But they decided that dating sites for fat people (who
are in the *majority* of adults) should be considered specialty sites.
Only about 20% of the traffic at GenerousNet comes from search
engines, but the change in DMOZ's classifications cut the search
engine traffic in half.


 "The church is near but the road is icy; 
  the bar is far away but I will walk carefully." 
                            -- Russian Proverb

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