[thelist] Head swimming in MHTML Standards...

JTocher janice at discoverysystems.com
Tue Apr 17 18:28:08 CDT 2001

Hello all,

Having just spent the last hour scouring the web for additional info on
sending HTML-fueled email, I am seeking some advice!

I have a client who wants to send a monthly newsletter in HTML format
(giving subscribers the option to select text only or HTML when they
subscribe). Note that for the record, I am no fan of HTML-fueled email!

I am looking for a list of email clients that do (and do not) support HTML,
what HTML tags are supported by which clients AND if there is anything
special I need to do to the HTML code or the email headers themselves or any
other 'heads-up' that are appropriate...

Any leads in the right direction will be most appreciated!


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