[thelist] using SSI within a .cgi page

Joe Crawford jcrawford at avencom.com
Tue Apr 24 16:46:39 CDT 2001

David Prowak wrote:
> I'm trying to allow my users to update a portion of
> a CGI created page.  (They need to add some text to
> the heading of the page.)   All that I've read about
> SSI indicated it might be a good solution towards
> allowing the users the ability to update a small
> portion of their site.  Then I read about the .shtml
> requirement, and that's why I posted.
> I could get the CGI script to write the actual SSI
> statement, but still the page would not have a .shtml
> extension.

If you've got a CGI in perl, don't use SSI (you *can't*). However, you
can use perl.

<!--#include virtual="global/top1.html" -->

Would instead be
open (HTML, "global/top1.html") || die ;
print <HTML>;
close (HTML);

Or something like that.


	- Joe <http://artlung.com/>
Joe Crawford ||||||||||||||       mailto:jcrawford at avencom.com
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