[thelist] Online documentation

David A. Demko support at inetcomputerproducts.com
Mon Apr 30 09:59:29 CDT 2001

Monday, April 30, 2001, 4:27:31 PM, you wrote:

NB> Can you provide some more insight on PDFWriter?  I went to the Adobe
NB> took a while to find PDF Writer download, said it required Acrobat
NB> Went to Acrobat Exchange download and it looks like an SDK, not
NB> for converting Word docs to PDFs.  Obviously, something is missing on
NB> Adobe's site or I'm having a "Monday".

NB> Thanks,

NB> Norman
NB> www.craftedsolutions.com

One option that is available from the Adobe site is to create the PDFs
on-line.  If you go to http://www.adobe.com/services/main.html
You can sign up for a trial where you can convert 3 docs for free, if you
want more you pay $9.99 (I think) per month for unlimited PDF conversions.

I use this for several clients and have converted Word docs, Excel
spreadsheets, and html files to pdf.  Good for  a short term solution and
quick fix to converting Word docs.

David A. Demko
Inet Computer Products
support at inetcomputerproducts.com

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