[thelist] html-kit/homesite stability (was: (homesite edit mode))

Jonathon Isaac Swiderski jonathon.swiderski at oberlin.edu
Tue May 1 09:51:16 CDT 2001

whoops. . . oughta've been 128 *M*B. . . . need to be reading a bit more 
carefully. . . .

>    You might want to consider adding to that 128k of RAM.  I remember
>    switching from the 128k Macintosh to the 512k 'Fat Mac'.  Boy, that
> made all the difference in the world.  =>

Jonathon Isaac Swiderski             "Heul, why this interest in me?"
135 W Lorain St OCMR 2678            "You're a poet, Des.
Oberlin OH 44074                      You conform so differently."
                                     -Alan Dean Foster, Phylogenesis, p. 47
soon: http://www.oberlin.edu/~PAN    jswiders at oberlin.edu

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