[thelist] Quick ColdFusion / SQL question

Joshua OIson joshua at alphashop.net
Thu May 3 17:40:01 CDT 2001

Do you know which row the "4" is in?  If so, you could select that row
(presumably by using a primary key of some sort) then looping through
results, searching for the column with the "4".  For example (simplified for

<cfquery name="myquery">
  FROM mytable
  WHERE id = #Val(row_num)#

<cfset col_containing_my_value = "">
<cfset my_val = "4">

<cfloop list="#myquery.ColumnList#" index="col">
  <cfif myquery[col][1] IS my_val>
    <cfset col_containing_my_value = col>

  Column #col_containing_my_value# contains #my_val#!

If you don't know the row, yuo'd have to select the entire table (remove the
WHERE clause) then wrap the cfloop in a cfoutput, replace the [1] with
[currentrow] and somhow break out of the cfoutput once the answer is found.

There may be an easier way.  I'll post again if I think of it.


----- Original Message -----
From: "jon steele" <jjsteele22 at yahoo.com>
Subject: [thelist] Quick ColdFusion / SQL question

> Hello,
> I need a way to select the *field* name of a table based on data in
> it...for example if this was a table (with fieldXXX, etc. being names
> of columns):
> -fieldXXX-  -fieldYYY-   -fieldZZZ-
>     1           2            4
> I need to get the value "fieldZZZ" when knowing 4....so kinda like
> selecting the column name based on data in it (the data in the first
> row to be exact). Does this make sense? The reason is that the field
> names are created dynamically.
> If the above can't be done, I could go a more complex way. I have a way
> of getting all column headers in an array (a technique which I reuse in
> my app). Could this be of help in achieving my goal?
> I've been on this for a while...I just can't seem to get it (seemed
> simple at first).
> Thanks,
> Jon.

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