[thelist] Best Practice? (from DB --> Presentation)

Luther, Ron Ron.Luther at COMPAQ.com
Fri May 4 09:45:41 CDT 2001

Ray | Dan,

Thanks for the heads up!   Oddly enough, I brought my "Mastering CF 4.5"
book in today.  I had kinda quit reading when I found out my personal site
host was disallowing sliders and custom tags.  :-(   Thought {in my "free"
time} I could play a tad on the 'members' site to see if we have more
flexibility there.

I hadn't heard of generator ... so I guess I have some reading to do!

[re: Crystal Reports.  I used to use it.  It may be better now.  Hopefully,
it is a  LOT better now -- 'cuz a year ago I thought it was total <insert
awful thing of your choice>!! {Horror stories available by request.} I'm
running some tests and checking the manual to see if I can get a package
called Brio to do what I want - I'm not sure how powerful the graphing or
graph exporting functions are - but overall it seems to be a much better
package than the Crystal I was running - and it 'felt' more advanced than
that thing from Infobuilders (Web/Focus?).]


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