[thelist] Best Practice? (from DB --> Presentation)

Luther, Ron Ron.Luther at COMPAQ.com
Fri May 4 13:29:25 CDT 2001

Hi Dwayne,

Now THAT's a new one on me! ... I can execute Perl from within Excel?  

I sure hope they have some examples in the documentation -- I'm gonna HAVE
to look into that!  Neato!


RonL. --- who's morbid sense of curiosity leads him to report - Yes! The
file containing the Excel macros (and nothing else) is 2.3Mb+ ... and
actually contains 20,645 lines of code {including a few comments and
numerous blank rows for readability} split between 16 different modules ...
so my 10,000+ lines guesstimate was more than my usual hyperbole [this

-----Original Message-----
From: dwayne [mailto:dwayne at mentia.com]
does the client like having the data in excel? if so, and if perl's an 
option, you might want to look into the perl module Win32::OLE.

that way you can probably keep the data and charts the same, but replace the

nasty macros (10K+ lines?! ouch).

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