[thelist] Help with a replace loop

Shinji Kuwayama shinji at kuwayama.com
Mon Jun 11 13:56:38 CDT 2001

Hi - I want to replace keywords in a string with a linked version of same,
like this:

<cfquery name="GetKeywords" datasource="theDatasource">
    select keyword, link
    from KeywordsTable

<cfloop query="GetKeywords">
    <cfset string = Replace(string,"#keyword#",'<a
href="#link#">#keyword#</a>', "ALL")>

It works okay, but my problem is this: when it loops back around, it will
find the keyword inside the titletext string and replace it, which wrecks

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Shinji Kuwayama
Director, Internet Development

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