[thelist] Help with a replace loop

Shinji Kuwayama shinji at kuwayama.com
Tue Jun 12 13:53:15 CDT 2001

on 6/12/01 11:59 AM, rudy at r937 at interlog.com wrote:

>> e-mail      a way of sending messages over the Internet
>> Internet    a global network of computers
> um, okay, my trick with the blank is going to fail there too

Yeah, I'm wary of relying on delimiters inside the variables. Taking your
cue, I've done this:

<cfquery name="getTerms" datasource="theDataSource">
    select *
    from Glossary

<cfloop query="getTerms">
    <cfset varcopy = ReplaceNoCase(varcopy,'#term#','~#term#~',"ALL")>

<cfloop query="getTerms">
    <cfif FindNoCase('~#term#~',varcopy) is not 0>
        <cfset varcopy = ReplaceNoCase(varcopy,'~#term#~','<a href="http://"

This does work. However, the first loop matches terms inside of terms, which
messes things up a little. It gives results like this:

~<a href="http://" title="definition">data</a>base~


Shinji Kuwayama
Director, Internet Development

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