was I bitchy? (was: Re: [thelist] webmonkey redesign)

Jay Greenspan jay at trans-city.com
Thu Jun 14 15:53:04 CDT 2001

It's really figgin hot and I still tend to be a bit defensive of 'da monkey.

I can write a tip now that I have my AC installed.

<tip type="PHP" author="jay Greenspan">

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that using an "or die" suffix to a
mysql_query() function will give you meaningful errors. Well, there's no
need to type "or die" with every query. Use a function. And in that
function, make sure you give yourself that ability to turn off the error
reporting. When the site's live, you don't want your queries becoming public

function safe_query($sql_string) {
    if ($query_debug != "ON"){
        $result = mysql_query($sql_string) or
            die ("There was an error accessing this page,
                Please contact administrator");

    } elseif ($query_debug == "ON"){

        $result=mysql_query($sql_string) or
            die ("The following query failed:" . $sql_string . "<br>\n"
                    . "With following error:" . mysql_error()




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