[thelist] More Smart Tags

Tony Crockford tonyc at boldfish.co.uk
Mon Jun 25 09:43:26 CDT 2001

> Hasn't this (saving pictures) been around for quite a while?
> I mean, saving
> pictures off of web pages isn't the easiest thing to do, but
> I've been doing it
> for quite a while.  Again, I just got out of Windows for the
> last time, so I
> don't have to worry about these types of "features".  Who
> would guess that
> Microsoft would be getting credit that lowers the needed IQ
> of web surfers even
> more?

Yeah, we've all grabbed pictures.

My issue of concern is that Microsoft are making it easy and acceptable
, even encouraging the user to take pictures from my site and
redistribute them.

How quick will MS be to come after me if I have their site graphics on
my site I wonder?

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