[thelist] More Smart Tags

the head lemur headlemur at qwest.net
Mon Jun 25 17:01:44 CDT 2001

Headlines from Gillmor's weblog

Web Site Owners' Immense Chore Stopping Smart Tags

Just got a note from a Microsoft PR guy who tells me that another statement
made to me about Smart Taga is untrue. A product Smart Tag product manager
had told me that site owners wishing to stop display of tags could put a
single meta-tag on their home pages. In general, that would block browser
display of tags throughout the site, he said.

"It does take one tag per page," the PR guy now says. "Jim Allchin said late
last week he will change this (or will try) by the time the product ships."

That's better than nothing, I guess. But you should ask yourself why
Microsoft wrote the code this way.

I chalk it up to the company's utter, willful belief that we would all just
eat what Microsoft put on our plate. Sheesh.

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