[thelist] [ASP] Database update email notification

Tyme nopun at bellsouth.net
Sat Jul 7 12:01:45 CDT 2001

Hello.  New to this list. In advance, thank you for your help.

OBJECTIVE: Want to send email notification to a recipient list when a
particular database (sql7) table has been updated.  (Thought that I'd try a
simple solution first.)

PROBLEM: The message does not appear to be sent.  (I have even tried
hardcoding in the ASPMail values.)  Any ideas?

ATTEMPTED SOLUTION: Thought that I could just tack on a little ASPMail code
after the objRS.Update and even have the body of email notice built from the
submitted form.
 Am using an ASPMail script that I am successfully using on
another site to send an order form to Vendor.  (Difference is working script
case: nothing is being recorded in a database.)  Also, I am referencing an
article about email notification, but trying to apply it to my existing

APPLICABLE CODE (from processing page):

  objRS("ann_type") = Request.Form("AnnType")
  objRS("ann_date") = CDate(Request.Form("AnnMonth") & "/" &
Request.Form("AnnDay") & "/" & Request.Form("AnnYear"))
  objRS("ann_time") = CDate(Request.Form("AnnHour") & ":" &
Request.Form("AnnMin") & " " & Request.Form("AnnAmPm"))
  objRS("ann_desc") = ReplQuote(Trim(Request.Form("AnnDesc")))
  objRS("ann_moreinfo") = Trim(Request.Form("AnnMoreInfo"))


Set objRS = Nothing
Set objConn = Nothing

     if mailComp = "ASPMail" then
       set mailObj = Server.CreateObject("SMTPsvg.Mailer")
       mailObj.FromAddress = fromAddr
       mailObj.RemoteHost  = smtpServer
       mailObj.ReplyTo = replyTo
       for each addr in Split(recipients, ",")
         mailObj.AddRecipient "", Trim(addr)
       mailObj.Subject = subject
       mailObj.ContentType = "text/html"
       mailObj.BodyText = body
       if not mailObj.SendMail then
         SendMail = "Email send failed: " & mailObj.Response & "."
       end if
    end if

The ASPMail variables above are derived from the Add Form thusly:

   referers   = Array("www.mydomain.com")
   mailComp   = "ASPMail"
   smtpServer = "mail.hostserver.com"
   fromAddr   = "tyme at co.brunswick.nc.us"

<input name="_recipients" type="hidden" value="tyme at no-pun.com">
<input name="_replyToField" type="hidden" value="Email">
<input name="_subject" type="hidden" value="Brunswick County Emergency News
<input name="_requiredFields" type="hidden"
<input name="_envars" type="hidden" value="HTTP_REFERER">
<input name="_fieldOrder" type="hidden"

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