[thelist] Flash / v5 / loadMovie("movie.swf", movie01);

Jesus G. Gorriti Jesus.Gorriti at iconmedialab.es
Sun Jul 8 12:01:20 CDT 2001

Ok. Question about Flash v5.

Picture this:

I have a .fla with two layers and only one

in one layer I have a MC called movie01. It has
the same size of the .fla and only one frame.

In the other layer I have nothing but ActionScript that
says the following:

fscommand ("allowscale", "false");
fscommand ("fullscreen", "true");
loadMovie ("test.swf", "_root.movie01");
_root.movie01._x = 0;
_root.movie01._y = 0;

the test.swf movie has been generated from Freehand 10
with autoplay option set to  "no". 

Shouldn't the last line of the AS start playing that
movie? as I am replacing movie01 contents with
the test.swf... 



    Jesus G. Gorriti
    Art Director                 
Email jesus.gorriti at iconmedialab.es
Telephone +34 91 521 00 80
Facsimile +34 91 522 82 20

    IconMedialab Madrid

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