[thelist] Re: ColdFusion and PhP

Eveline Vanhemel eveline_vanhemel at pi.be
Sun Jul 8 15:12:22 CDT 2001

Hi all,

I have a question sidely related to this discussion. At the moment I am
finalizing a site with db connection, running on a NT Server and using ASP.
The site is running on a server at al local ISP here in Belgium. We have an
agreement with them to keep the site with them for 1 year, but we already
decided that when this year is over we will change the ISP or even go for
hosting it ourselves. Since up till now, I only worked with ASP, it was also
the only option we had.

A few days ago, I had a conversation with my employer and we both agreed
that by the end of this year, we would change from NT to UNIX. This means I
am going to have to do quite some studying the next months but I think that
in the end I won't regret it. So, now comes the question about CF and PHP.

What I would like to do, is while studying, changing the site along with it,
but since the site is still running on NT, I would like to know, which
direction is the easiest way to take?

The best solution would be if I could write the code now to run on NT but if
we change next year to the UNIX platform, it has to be possible to move the
site with as less as possible adaptations. So, with that in mind, what
should I choose? CF or PHP?

Thanks in advance,

eveline_vanhemel at pi.be

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