[thelist] Putting keyword meta tags in Include file

sfmalo sfmalo at msn.com
Tue Jul 10 10:19:08 CDT 2001

Where does that leave us as to understanding whether search engines will or
will not index Front Page Includes containing meta tag info, specifically


----- Original Message -----
From: "James S. Huggins (dot com)" <JHuggins at JamesSHuggins.com>
To: <thelist at lists.evolt.org>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 12:28 AM
Subject: RE: [thelist] Putting keyword meta tags in Include file

>    >>>It's been a while since I've used FrontPage,
>    >>>but I'm pretty sure the includes are done server-side -
>    >>>they rely on the FrontPage server extensions to work.
> The FrontPage Include Component function is neither client-side (browse
> time) nor server side (browse time). Rather it is an author-time include.
> Assuming you are developing on a PC and uploading to the server, it is
> on the authoring PC. If you are editing "live" on the server, it is done
> the server at edit/author time.
> While, editing "live" on a server with FP requires FP Server Extensions,
> include function does not. If you edit off the server and upload, the
> authoring environment will process the includes.
> FP maintains an internal index of each included file and all the files in
> which it is included. If you edit the included file, when that file is
> "saved", FP ripples those changes into every file which has included the
> file. This rippling occurs at author time.
> FP also permit included files to, themselves, contain other included
> James S. Huggins
Sharon F. Malone
"web design and Internet writing services"

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