[thelist] Image question

Tommy Martin tommy at vertebrate.co.uk
Tue Jul 17 05:53:10 CDT 2001

>I cannot for the life of me get the text (Verdana and Arial, between
>10 - 12 pt) to look any good. It comes out rather blury and not clean. Does
>anybody have any suggestions on how to get text to look clear and crisp with
>PS or Fireworks or something??

Sounds like an anti-aliasing problem; in Photoshop 6, select the text 
tool and look at the toolbar that runs across the top of the screen; 
between the font size and alignment settings there's a popup list 
(marked by 2 little 'a's). The list contains the anti-aliasing 
settings 'none', 'crisp','strong', and 'smooth'. Setting it to 'none' 
should stop Photoshop trying to smooth out small text and keep things 
looking sharp.



V e r t e b r a t e . co . uk
     design with a spine


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