[thelist] Site Critique requested

Robin Hastings robin at rhastings.net
Thu Jul 19 12:42:43 CDT 2001

> Hi,
> Need a few basic comments. Thereabout 90/95% complete
> or so.  Fire away!!
> 	http://www.salvationarmyslu.org
> Thank you,
> [[:Jasen:]]
> http://www.cbizz.net

I'm rather fond of red, so this may be just me, but I like the
color and layout of the site. The problems I found were:

1. using "alot" rather than "a lot" or some other, more formal
phrase in the welcoming lines of the home page
2. the buttons on the navigation bar seem to be overlapping with
the bevel in the main part of the image. There is no beveling (is
that a word?) under the text, but there is a lighter color on the
edges where the text isn't there. If this makes no sense at all -
let me know, I'll send you an annotated screen shot!
3. The donate online link crashed my browser (NT 4.0/IE 5.5). My
browser on this laptop is notoriously fragile, so that may not
happen to others, but I thought I'd let you know, just in case!


Robin Hastings
Webmistress - InterTec Designs
robin at intertecdesigns.com

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