[thelist] CF smoke and mirrors

Judah McAuley judah at wiredotter.com
Thu Jul 19 13:11:49 CDT 2001

At 10:58 AM 7/19/2001 -0700, .jeff wrote:
>: From: Rory.Plaire at wahchang.com
>: Currently I think that I will use a structure
>: and the function StructInsert to build a
>: collection of pages' form's fields... what do
>: you think?
>you get the names from the database right now?  just loop through that
>recordset and create form field variables.
><cfloop query="getfields">
>   <cfparam name="form.#getfields.name#" default="">

Alternatively, here is code I use to create forms from the db (pre-filled 
with data):

<cfquery name="get_profile_columns" datasource="#application.datasource#" 
         SELECT      *
         FROM        member_profile
         WHERE     member_id = #session.member_id#

<cfloop index="current_field" list="#get_profile_columns.columnlist#">

You can also use CF_ColumnList (made by one of our own Evolters though, of 
course, I forget which one at the moment).  I use it in the following manner:

<cfquery name="get_profile_columns" datasource="#application.datasource#" 
         SELECT      *
         FROM        member_profile
         WHERE     0 = 1

<CF_ColumnList Query="#get_profile_columns#" ColumnList="profilecolList">

The CF_ColumnList returns the fields in the order  they are in the database 
(unlike Query.columnlist) and that allows you to build a form based off of 
the database structure like so:

<cfloop index="iCol" list="#profilecolList#">
                         #Replace(iCol,'_',' ','ALL')#
                         <cfif iCol EQ 'description' OR iCol EQ 
                                 <textarea cols=30 rows=5 name="#iCol#" 
                                 <input type="text" name="#iCol#" size="30">

Hope this helps,


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