[thelist] interview questions

s t e f stef at nota-bene.org
Tue Aug 21 10:53:13 CDT 2001

Martin wrote:

> Erik Mattheis wrote on 21/8/01 4:21 pm
>> If I were design such an interview, the two main questions would be: 
>> "Here, take the drivers seat. Can I see some pages you've put 
>> together?" and "OK, great. Here's a four page booklet and there's 
>> some images you can use in this directory ... how long do you want 
>> before I come back and check in on you?"
> And also 
> "Talk me through the methodology and key issues you'd address
> when coding designs into HTML"
> and
> "How would you work with other team members to achieve a
> high quality result while aiming to complete the work as
> quickly as possible"

Yeah, and of course "Take me to your leader".


Couldn't help.

<tip type="site design and dHTML">
Whenever someone comes with the great idea that you should do a dHTML 
site because it's cool and so much more fun than plain bland HTML, be 
sure to test it on as many different platforms/browsers as possible 
and/or reduce your expectations to what works.

We've recently discovered (yeah, right) that some of what we did don't 
work, either on one system or another (especially with Mozilla 0.* / nux 
for which the DOM is still a mystery for me).

So make sure to create plainer but viewable sites. Sometimes 'cool' is 
so far away from 'real'.

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