[thelist] MS Access to SQL Server: METAFILE Images

James Aylard webmaster at equilon-mrc.com
Wed Sep 26 18:46:00 CDT 2001


> But I know it is a pain and somewhat inefficient to go storin' a bunch 'o
> images in SQL Server... the filesystem is much more efficient here.

    Agreed. Unfortunately, I don't know of a way to extract these images
from the Access database, even using DTS, since they are not a standalone
file format (such as bmp). They are, from all appearances, OLE objects. And
OLE objects -- aside from cutting, pasting, and inserting them -- are
something about which I know next to nothing.
    This is for an IE 5.x Intranet, so if anyone knows how to display an OLE
object within the browser, I'm listening...

James Aylard

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