[thelist] Hiding images (no right click?)

Madhu Menon webguru at vsnl.net
Wed Oct 17 01:18:43 CDT 2001

At 04:24 AM 10/17/2001, you wrote:
>This would prevent the right-click saving, and the right-click view-source,
>if you then show the images in menu-less popups you can't view-source from

Pressing Shift-F10 is equivalent to a right mouse click. It works in just 
about every situation. On top of that, many keyboards now have a key for 
pop-up menus.

And lastly, you can use the "Save as... (web page complete)" feature of IE 
to save the page to your hard disk, complete with images.

Ah, the futility of it all...


<<<   *   >>>
Madhu Menon
User Experience Consultant
e-mail: webguru at vsnl.net

Weblog: http://madman.weblogs.com

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